Dr Jason Toppi
MBBS, BSc, DipSurgAnat, MSurg, FRACS

Dr Jason Toppi is an Ear, Nose and Throat Surgeon and Fellow of the Royal
Australasian College of Surgeons (FRACS) with expertise in adult and paediatric
Jason is a member of the ENT units at the PeterMacCallum Cancer Centre, The
Alfred Hospital and St Vincent’s Hospital Melbourne where he is involved in
the diagnosis, management and surgical treatment of complex conditions of
the Head and Neck.
Jason also is engaged with the supervision and teaching of training surgeons.
He maintains a strong commitment to rural health with monthly consulting
and operating sessions in Bendigo.
Areas of clinical practice
All areas of ENT including:
- General & Paediatric ENT
- Head and Neck Surgery
- Rhinology
- Laryngology
- Snoring and adult OSA
- General otology
- Flexible nasendoscopy
- Ear toileting
Private operating
- Victoria Parade Surgical Centre (VPSC)
- St Vincent’s Private Hospital East Melbourne
- Warringal Private Hospital Heidelburg
Public Appointments
- Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre
- The Alfred Hospital
- St Vincent’s Hospital